It all starts in forest, where modern technologies help to provide felling. The company uses ecologically safe method of logging. It means that felling, clearing of knots and sawing into logs are produced before the timber will be removed from forest. Wide industrial park consists of 7 logging complexes and allows to produce up to 350000 cbm of timber per year. The company uses innovative developments of brands like Ponsse and John Deere. And last, but not least factor is the availability of timber base with cutting area in total number of 450000 cbm.
Next stage is the collecting of harvested wood, primary sorting and further transportation to the sites. Modern rolling stock, consisting of 30 elements of brands like Man and Scania uses for those purposes. Due to the high quality equipment and qualified specialists, the company can afford delivery of valuable tree species for further processing and export in time. Transportation of products is realized by railway transport, which has a huge role in supplying remote regions and countries.
Dubrava has been constantly improving in forest harvesting. The company is planning to increase the capacity of production up to 100%. It is quite real due to the timber factory, provided with actual equipment. There is a sawing line with a capacity of 6000 cbm of timber per month in the territory of factory. It allows to produce high-grade timber of world standard. After sawing, the timber goes into drying chambers. The total capacity of chambers is 750 cbm of one-time loading. Leadermac molded products line provides production of any demanded wares.